At the Foothills of Golgotha
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Written by Pastor Thomas Cherian
Categories: Devotion
Taking part in the Lord’s Table is one of the most sacred, intimate moments in a believer’s life.
What makes it so intimate is the greatness of the event that took place on the foothills of Golgotha—Jesus’ crucifixion. Here are four things a believer ought to contemplate at Lord’s Table.
- The Lord Jesus Christ made the greatest sacrifice of anyone. This most painful sacrifice was made by the only sinless person for the entire world (1 Peter 2:22; John 19:4; Isaiah 53:3-5).
- Jesus’ sacrifice evoked the greatest reaction. Some mock and others oppose his sacrifice by undermining its importance. However, some acknowledge the greatness of the sacrifice by believing in Jesus as their Lord and Savior (Luke 23:35; Mark 15:9-11, 14, 43).
- Jesus’ sacrifice brought in the greatest result. The greatest debt was paid in full on the cross. His sacrifice paved the way for the eternal redemption of mankind (John 19:30; Romans 10:9, 10).
- The greatest gift of salvation was given to humankind with a caution. One who believes in the Lord should always be careful and mindful. The road becomes narrow and temptations of this world toughen (Matthew 7:14).
Contemplate the cross at the foothills of Golgotha. Walk with utmost care to lead a life pleasing to the One who paid the greatest price.
The Lord of Grace will never let you walk alone. You will be victorious if you keep your eyes on Jesus.