Exploring the Mission Heart of God

Monday, March 19, 2018

Written by Pastor Thomas Cherian

Categories: Devotion

Tags: missions abram calling sending

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Although we cannot really understand the mission heart of God, we can at least feel what is going on in His heart from the statements He makes.

One such statement is found in Abram’s call in Gen. 12:1-3, where He is commanding Abram to leave certain places/groups in order to receive definite blessings.

God always desires to send out humans to do the task entrusted to them. He calls them before sending them.

God doesn’t look at any man-made barriers to recruit them in His business. For Him, age, education, profession, gender, personality, time or place are not at all issues when He decides to call. What matters is our availability. He can use anyone and anytime.

Three things should be kept in mind when we think of our call:

  1. Every single one of us is entrusted with at least one talent as part of our call.
  2. No talent should be considered less or more important.
  3. We should be faithful in whatever God has given us.

God’s call includes two ingredients: commands and rewards. Based on the text, we are expected to note three things:

First, the commands always precede the rewards. So always seek His kingdom first and obey His precepts.

Second, God always commands us to do things, as it is very serious and urgent in His eyes.

Third, God’s call includes the best package. It's double-fold: the rewards are always double (vv.2,3) as compared to the commands (v.1).

If we just obey God, the blessings are beyond what we can even imagine. He wants to bless us spiritually with a double portion and make us a blessing at home, the church and even our workplace. There is no other people group like Israel who have enjoyed the above mentioned blessings in every possible field. You are the New Israel who can receive the blessings — if we just obey.

May the Good LORD bless each one of us to understand the call upon our lives for which we are called and sent.

Adapted from the sermon "Exploring the Mission Heart of God" by Pastor Thomas Cherian (March 18, 2018).

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