Suppressing Negativity in Prayer

Friday, February 23, 2018

Written by Pastor Thomas Cherian

Categories: Devotion

Tags: prayer abram faith

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The first man who is given a specific blessing to increase manyfold (Genesis 12:1-3).

Abram was a childless man from the land of Ur.

God called Abram to move to a new land so that He could give Abram a child at a humanly impossible stage and increase his number manyfold.

Abram believed and obeyed God by faith. But believing God in a dry and hopeless situation is not easy.

There were many negative voices which Abram disregarded. By doing so he was able to become the father of the promised child at the age of 100. Eventually from that child his descendants multiplied thereafter.

When we start praying we may not see anything positive. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we must make a deliberate attempt to mute the other negative, faithless voices and heed to God's voice.

Pray with such faith that would dispel negative voices and help give heed to One voice, which says, "with God we can double the souls at ICA."

Numbers represent souls. Souls matter to God.

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