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Life Groups
Throughout the week, we have area-based groups that meet in homes for in depth study of God's word, fellowship with other members and prayer for the needs of the church, missions and other concerns of the world around.
These small groups are the best way to deepen your friendships with others who love God and to develop your own leadership skills through serving the needs of others in a small, informal context.
We believe that being accountable and encouraging one another are pivotal to our spiritual growth.
Tuesday Life Group, 7:15 P.M. in Ontario
Thursday Life Group, 7:00 P.M. in Loma Linda
Friday Life Group, 7:00 P.M. in Sherman Oaks
Life Groups currently meet via the Zoom App on the days above. Please email for more information on getting involved.

Each year, we plan local outreach activities, such as juvenile home activities, distributing literature, one-on-one conversations, special church events or meeting people's practical needs, to share who God is and His purpose for our lives with those in our community.
We believe the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to His disciples (Matthew 28:18-20) not only commands us to reach out with God's truth and love to the local community but also to people who are culturally different and geographically distant.
ICA emphasizes the support of missions in India. The fellowship has helped to build churches in different parts of India. Presently, ICA is focused upon building the work in the states of Odisha, West Bengal, Mizoram and the country of Nepal. They are also helping Nepali students study at India Bible College & Seminary.
Every third Sunday of the month, we host a fellowship dinner after our service. Voluntary donations go exclusively towards needs of our missions concerns are collected.

Children's Ministry
At Sunday school, our children enjoy getting to learn about God through Bible stories, songs, scripture memorization and art projects.
This is a great environment for kids to learn to pray for one another, ask questions about God, nurture their desire to obey God and care for the people around them.
We believe that every child has the potential to understand and experience God's love in their own way as well as be a channel of that love to their friends and family.
We believe that God has placed parents, teachers and mentors in these young lives as a tangible evidence of God's care, guidance and protection over them and to allow them to mature into the persons God desires them to be.
Sunday School: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM.

Teen Youth of ICA come together each Sunday to explore who Jesus is, His Word and what it means to be His follower in the real world.
ICA's Young Adults Group is a place to bring your questions, your ideas, your opinions and your unique gifts to motivate one another as they face the challenges of living out and maturing in the faith God has called them to.
Teen Youth and Young Adults groups are places where we discover that being a Christ follower is a daily journey towards becoming more and more Christ-like in character and commitment.

Women's Fellowship
The women of India Christian Assembly are very active in prayer and missions. Every year they raise thousands of dollars for evangelism and church planting in India.
ICA's Women's Fellowship meets regularly on the first Saturday of every month to study the Word of God, discuss, to lift the needs of the church in prayer and encourage one another through fellowship.
It is a place for women to gather together and build one another in faith and truth. Making an impact for Christ as they bless women in the local community and in India.

Men of God
The faithful men of ICA pursue godliness and caring and accountable relationships.
They gather once a month to share and discuss biblical and practical themes. The men actively hike up local mountain trails and join in on other physical and team building activities.
We believe God has called the men of ICA to sharpen and lift one another up in the ways of His son, Jesus Christ.